electronics recycling at school
Subject : electronics recycling at school
Date : Monday, April 8, 2024 - Friday, April 12, 2024  GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Organizer : river_road_elementary_school@4j.lane.edu
Attention families! Do you have useless or broken electronics piling up in your house? In March, April and May our school is participating in an Electronics Recycling Competition, with great prizes for the top collecting schools! There are two ways to donate: 1) During the entire month of March, April and May, simply drop off your used or broken electronics — anything that uses batteries or plugs in — at NextStep Recycling (245 Jackson St. in Eugene - 8:30am to 2:00 pm - Mon. to Fri.). Please mention our school at drop-off so we can get credit for the donation. 2) During the week of April 8th to 12th (Mon-Fri), we will have a collection box on-site at our school. Check with the front office for the exact location of our collection box! (If you have an item that is too large to transport, please don’t bring it to school. Take it directly to NextStep, or contact them at (541) 686-2366.) This event is a great way to keep these potentially harmful materials out of our landfill and recycled responsibly. Thank you for your participation!