Holt Friendship Day
Subject : Holt Friendship Day
Date : Tuesday, February 14, 2023  GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Organizer : holt_elementary_school@4j.lane.edu

Bertha Holt Birthday Celebration

On February 5th, Bertha Holt would be 117 years old. To honor the legacy of our school’s namesake, Holt Elementary School is holding a special month-long event where students will think of acts of kindness and service they can do to give back to our community. 

Teachers will provide students a Bertha Holt Heart to write their name and act of kindness on, which will be added to our hallway display of how Holt kids are giving back to their community. Acts of kindness and service can be big or small, such as:

  • Helping a neighbor
  • Picking up litter in a park, playground, or your neighborhood
  • Being kind to a friend in need
  • Washing someone’s car
  • Writing an encouraging or thankful note to someone
  • Tell someone why they are special to you
  • And so many more!

Small acts of kindness can make a big impact and we want to creating kind, compassionate, conscientious kids who want to grow up to make that difference.